Low power modems for industrial process control and automation applications
25-06-2018 |
Texas Instruments
The Texas Instruments DAC8740H, DAC8741H, and DAC8742H are HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, and PROFIBUS PA compatible, low power modems, created for industrial automation and industrial process control applications.
In HART mode, the devices integrate all of the required circuitry to operate as half-duplex HART physical layer modems, in both slave or master configurations with the minimum external components for filtering. In FOUNDATION Fieldbus mode, they integrate all of the needed circuitry to operate as half-duplex FOUNDATION Fieldbus compatible H1 Controllers and MAUs.
The devices data stream can be transferred from the microcontroller through either a UART interface or an integrated FIFO accessed by an SPI interface. The interface includes an SDO pin for daisy-chain support, various interrupts, and other extended features.