Highest-precision and fastest magnetic angle sensor
06-05-2015 |
Test & Measurement
Hailed as the industry's highest-precision, highest-speed magnetic angle
sensor, the Analog Devices ADA4571 is now available from Digi-Key.
It is an anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor with integrated
signal-conditioning amplifiers and ADC drivers. The ADA4571 produces two
analog outputs that indicate the angular position of the surrounding
magnetic field.
The ADA4571 consists of two die within one package, an AMR sensor, and a
fixed-gain (G = 40 nominally) instrumentation amplifier. The ADA4571
delivers clean and amplified cosine and sine output signals related to the
angle of a rotating magnetic field. The output voltage range is ratiometric
to the supply voltage.
The sensor contains two Wheatstone bridges, at a relative angle of 45° to
one another. A rotating magnetic field in the x-y sensor plane delivers two
sinusoidal output signals with the double frequency of the angle (a) between
sensor and magnetic field direction. Within a homogeneous field in the x-y
plane, the output signals are independent of the physical placement in the z
direction (air gap). The ADA4571 is available in an 8-lead SOIC package.