Development kit for evaluation of the SimpleLink Wireless ultra-low power MCU

05-11-2015 | Texas Instruments | Design & Manufacture

This post is sponsored by Texas Instruments. The Texas Instruments (TI) SimpleLink CC2650 Development Kit includes all the hardware you need to start evaluating the SimpleLink Wireless MCU ultra-low power platform. The CC2650 device included in this kit is the superset device of the family, so it can also be used to evaluate the SimpleLink Bluetooth Smart CC2640 wireless MCU and the ZigBee/6LoWPAN CC2630 wireless MCU. The kit includes two SmartRF06 evaluation boards, two CC2650 evaluation modules, two micro USB cables and a getting started guide. The CC2650 evaluation module contains the wireless MCU and shows a variant of the RF layout, internal bias and differential RF output (variant 7ID). The board is equipped with a high-performance PCB antenna, and users can easily attach an SMA connector to connect the radio to external test equipment. The SmartRF06 evaluation board (the mother board) is specifically designed for running radio performance tests and for developing software. The boards are equipped with:

By Electropages Admin