Wide trim modules for dynamic control of output voltages to power IPL laser systems

09-05-2017 | Luso | Power

Primarily aimed at designers of laser systems using intense pulsed light (IPL) such as hair removal treatment, photo-rejuvenation, and dermatological treatments, Luso Electronics has a new cost-effective range of power modules with a wide low voltage trim range which are optimised to overcome the typical start-up problems associated with switching into a discharged capacitor. The XgM, XgN, XgP and XgQ power modules manufactured by Excelsys, available with nominal output voltages of 5V, 12V, 24V and 48V respectively, can be dynamically trimmed down to 1V. The modules feature power output power levels from 200W to 288W, and they can be connected in parallel or series to deliver the necessary current and voltage to meet required charge and discharge profiles. Switching a standard AC/DC power supply into a discharged capacitor has traditionally been a challenge due to short circuit protection mechanisms. As a result, laser system designers tend to rely on costly customised power sources for capacitor charging applications. The standard Excelsys solutions can reduce production costs and shorten time-to-market for new products. Able to comfortably power systems ranging from 1V to 500V, typical IPL implementations use capacitances in the mF range – although Excelsys power components have been used by customers with capacitances up to 12F.

By Electropages Admin