AC/DC converters for IoT and smart home
20-06-2018 |
Recom International
RECOM’s latest 15W and 20W AC/DC power supplies are created for low power IoT and household applications. Based on the size of the compact RAC10-K modules, these new modules offer high-efficiency over a wide load range and minimal standby power consumption.
The RAC15-K and RAC20-K series are PCB-mount AC/DC modules with ultra-low energy losses, particularly in light load conditions. This makes them perfect for the always-on and standby mode operations needed for IoT and smart home devices. Based on the latest developments of integrated power, the next level of efficiency has been reached enabling 20W of power in a modular 2” x 1” case size. These converters have a universal mains input range of 85VAC up to 264VAC for worldwide use and come with international safety certifications for industrial, AV and ITE as well as household standards.
Both devices can operate within a temperature range of -40C to +80C and provide fully protected 5VDC single outputs. They meet EMC class B far below the limits without the need for any external components.