Conduction and fan-cooled PSU available in miniature package

12-02-2019 | FiDUS | Power

FiDUS Power has introduced their new miniature industrial and medically -approved flexibly-cooled power supply range. The new series of miniature, 3x5in PSUs can deliver 250W when conduction-cooled or 550W fan-cooled and are approved for industrial and medical use. Using a two-level PCB construction, the new PSUs provide a baseplate with all the key semiconductors attached, enabling direct cooling into the system chassis, heatsink or cold-wall. With efficiencies to 92% and the capability to remove heat to the outside world, minimal waste-heat is generated into the system and keeps internal ambient temperature rise to a minimum. The PSUs have a 90-264VAC input range, and six models are offered with 12VDC to 58VDC output, as well as a built-in 12V fan rail. Both industrial and medical versions meet EN55032 level B; the industrial unit is also is certified to IEC/EN/UL/CSA60950-1, while the medical unit also satisfies medical 4th Edition EMC levels and is certified to IEC/EN/CSA60601-1 and ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1. Says Mark Gibbons, engineering manager at Fidus Power: “Whether these units are conduction-cooled via a baseplate, convection or fan-cooled, they enable system designers to manage heat generated in the system effectively, thereby increasing product lifetime. Applications include broadcast, outdoor communications, medical devices, sealed enclosures and industrial.”

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