Reliable and cost-efficient high-frequency crystal oscillators

28-11-2022 | Rutronik | Passives

High-frequency crystal oscillators from Hong Kong X'tals (HKC), available now from Rutronik, provide high stability and low noise in the system design. This is achievable thanks to a differential output and low-phase jitter. The manufacturer is managing the increasing demand for low-cost, low-jitter timing references in telecommunications applications, including LTE/5G, PCI-e Express, and 10-Gbit Ethernet.

The oscillators with LVDS/LVPECL/HCSL output are offered with, for example, 100.00, 100.0025, 125.00, 148.3516, or 148.50MHz and in all frequently employed frequencies. The LVPECL variant functions at a voltage of only 3.3V. Its general frequency stability is ±50ppm.

Operating temperatures can range from -40C to +85C or +125C - which is essential for applications in industrial environments. With 3.2mm x 2.5mm or 2.5mm x 2mm, the design of the oscillators is also extremely compact.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.