High-efficiency and fast charging IC for Li-Ion and Li-Polymer batteries

21-06-2024 | HMI | Power

HMI has launched its HL7137, a cutting-edge dual-phase 7.5A, 34W direct charger IC with 2:1 CP (charge pump) designed especially for Li-Ion and Li-Polymer batteries used in smartphones, tablet computing, and mobile IoT devices.

The device integrates advanced technology, featuring a dual-phase switched capacitive converter alongside a reverse blocking MOSFET (QRB FET), ensuring optimal performance. Notably, the device attains an outstanding efficiency rating of 97.11% at 4.5V output and 5A current, using a flying capacitor configuration with 1x22µF per phase at a frequency of fSW=1.1MHz.

One of the device's key features is its OVP, with an external FET to reduce the BOM in various applications. Its 2:1 CP mode allows the adjustment of output voltage (VOUT) relative to half of the input voltage (VIN), with the added benefit of doubling the output current compared to the input current.

As safety is vital in charging operations, the device provides CC (constant current) and CV (constant voltage) regulations through the QRB FET. This directive is monitored through a closed-loop system, using input or battery-current sensing for CC regulation and battery-voltage sensing for CV regulation. The IC also supports a thermal regulation loop in case the CC/CV loop causes the device to overheat during regulation operating in 2:1 CP mode.

The device offers a comprehensive array of protections, including OTP, VIN UVP, OVP, IIN OCP, UCP, QRB RCP (reverse-current protection), PMID to VOUT OV and UV tracking, SCP (short-circuit protection), Watchdog Timer, and many more. Also, its advanced features include a 12-bit ADC, providing vital information such as VIN, IIN, VOUT, VBAT, IBAT, VTS, and TDIE to optimize charging control.

“With the launch of HL7137, HMI reaffirms its commitment to delivering leading-edge solutions that prioritize efficiency, safety, and performance in battery charging,” stated Mason Choi, VP/GM of Mobile Audio Solutions BU at HMI.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.