Redefined magnetic current sensing with compact and integrated solutions

12-07-2024 | Allegro | Test & Measurement

Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. has launched its newest high-power current sensor, the ACS37220, and the preliminary release of the industry's smallest leaded magnetic current sensor, the ACS37041. Its latest solutions allow improved efficiency and reliability, system protection and a smaller BoM compared to discrete shunt resistor and op-amp-based current sensing solutions.

Current shunt solutions need multiple components, take up considerable board space, and frequently require extra PCB layers and heatsinks to maintain acceptable thermal performance. These factors inevitably add weight, size, and design complexities that often lead to increased cost and production time.

The company's new sensors address current industry challenges by providing a smaller footprint, higher efficiency, and simpler integration. The ACS37220 is designed to replace high-power sense resistors and can be used for high-current monitoring applications up to 200A. The ACS37041 offers a high level of integration in a compact SOT23-W package and is ideal for a wide range of current sensing applications up to 30A.

"We are excited to bring the ACS37220 and ACS37041 to market. Their small footprint and low-power dissipation provides our customers with a great alternative to traditional shunts," said Shaun Milano, business line director, Current Sensors at Allegro. "Allegro's new current sensors demonstrate the company's commitment to driving innovation and developing highly efficient sensor technology that address the needs of our customers and the design community as a whole."

The company's new current sensors integrate the functions of the shunt resistor, shunt amplifier and other passive components into a single package. The compact design and efficiency improvements make them ideal low voltage (<100V) sensors compared to traditional shunts, offering lower heat dissipation, simplified design, and innovative packaging.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.