Zero-downtime power supply series is based on pioneering steering and control architecture

11-07-2024 | Camtec Power Supplies | Power

With its new CPS-i series, CAMTEC Power Supplies sets new standards for highly robust, space-saving, precise, and cost-efficient power supplies for uninterrupted industrial and infrastructural processes. The CPS series is based on a pioneering steering and control architecture developed by the German power supply specialist CAMTEC over the last few years. The CPS series was created to precisely meet the demands of challenging testing automation and high-end industrial lab power supply users. It supports production process planners and energy and water infrastructure or UPS-system engineers. So finally, it plays its full strength wherever close to zero downtime of plants or infrastructure is mandatory.

The series is the first original, highly precise, and robust industry 4.0-ready Lab Power Supply. It offers free scalability from 2000W up to 105kW power output, accompanied by completely flexible up and downscaling and service by the customer himself.

The series connects up to 35 power supply units to form a large (DC grid) network by configuring master-slave-master to slave systems. Thanks

to the modular design, it is possible to scale this system precisely to the required power, which leads to lowered system and energy costs and increased sustainability – as it is possible to reuse all system modules easily and individually in new configurations. If the power supply units are decoupled from each other, the result is independent systems, which can then be used stand-alone or in new arrangements, provided one inexpensive power supply unit is added to each new block.

The second huge advantage of this new series, compared to other current industrial lab power supplies available, is its simple configuration via web browser and uniquely easy maintenance. Defect LAN interfaces can be replaced by the system operator, as the interfaces recognise the power supply unit on their own and calibrate themselves. Defect devices, therefore, do not have to go back to the service unit but can be repaired on-site.

Oliver Walter, Camtec Power Supplies' CEO, explains the mission behind the CPS series' new concept: "Mere talking about what could be done due to new technological options gets us nowhere. We have to use them consequently: Industry 4.0 allows remote equipment monitoring. So we use it. Scaling performance is more cost-effective and requires less energy and space. Modular design combined with design-to-service results in lower maintenance costs and less system downtime. So we design our new series that way. – All our CAMTEC devices of all generations have been constructed for very long service life. The CPS-i series to exceed this, can even be re-installed and used again in the customers' next generation of test benches. To put it in a nutshell: the new CAMTEC CPS-series' raise customer comfort and sustainability to a new level."


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.