DDR5 SPD IC for client/server DIMM is I3C high-speed communication standard compliant

28-08-2024 | ABLIC | Semiconductors

ABLIC has launched the S-34HTS08AB SPD IC for DDR5 memory modules. The amount of communication data handled by client PCs and data centre servers has been growing rapidly, resulting in the necessity for higher-level data processing capacity in memory modules. The standard for memory modules is also shifting from the previous DDR4 to DDR5, which has faster processing speeds and can process greater amounts of data.

To achieve this new structure, DDR5 SPD adds a HUB function to mediate communication among devices and support for the I3C standard for high-speed communication, which is an extension of the I2C standard. It also adds the EEPROM function and temperature sensor functions found on existing DDR4.

The new product is compliant with SPD5118, which is the latest JEDEC specification for DDR5 SPD and is also equipped with a HUB function. Also, it is compatible with the I2C and I3C communication standards, which increases operation speed from 1MHz up to 12.5MHz and provides for proper control of communications between external controllers and devices on the DIMM board. These features allow advanced data processing capabilities and offer various uses as DDR5 DIMM ICs for clients and servers. Moreover, the input-output circuits are designed using the company's proprietary technologies and know-how to attain high-speed and stable communication and a high degree of compatibility with peripheral devices from other manufacturers, making this product ideal for customers who want to make flexible purchases.

On the launch of the new product, ABLIC president Mr Tanaka commented: "We are proud to launch the new S-34HTS08AB product, which supports greater data capacity in modern communications environments as the speed of the development of data communications continues to accelerate. ABLIC will continue to strive to contribute to customers around the world with highly functional and high-quality products utilizing ABLIC's unique technological capabilities."


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.