Delivering customisation for payment cards

12-08-2024 | NXP | Industrial

NXP Semiconductor’s new JCOP Pay operating on JCOP 5 EMV allows customers to better adapt to changing needs with high customisation capabilities without compromising security

The company announced that JCOP Pay operates on JCOP 5 EMV, developed to deliver a high degree of customer customisation of payment cards while improving their security. With the most recently obtained EMVCo certification, JCOP Pay operating on JCOP 5 EMV allows customers to achieve a long lifetime for card issuance.

Inventory management represents a challenge for payment card manufacturers, as they need to adapt to continuously changing consumer demands in a highly competitive industry. The solution features flexible and secure reconfiguration up to the point of card issuance to the end consumer, permitting changes in payment scheme applications and settings. This allows efficient inventory management for customers and accommodates special multi-application requests, giving customers improved customisation options and increasing their overall flexibility.

“Customisation and adaptability are crucial for payment card issuers,” said Christian Lackner, senior director, Secure Payment and Identification, NXP. “The flexible and secure reconfiguration options enabled by this newest generation of JCOP Pay allow our customers to rapidly shift existing inventory towards a changing set of consumer needs, ultimately giving them the flexibility needed to succeed in a competitive industry.”

The solution comes with an off-the-shelf resolution for all major payment schemes, including White Label Alliance’s WLA standard, which supports the creation of domestic payment schemes. Additionally, the solution operating on JCOP 5 EMV features secure pin-sharing capabilities, enabling consumers to use multiple payment schemes with the same card and PIN, all without compromising security.

JCOP Pay operating on JCOP 5 EMV is EMVCo ICCN certified until 2030. It is backward compatible with the well-established JCOP Pay operating on JCOP 4 EMV. It supports elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) cryptographic algorithms for next-generation EMV applications.

Also, JCOP Pay is optimised for conventional wire bond and inductive coupling, easing antenna tuning and allowing higher yield at card manufacturing over tolerances.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.