Offering engineers the latest in AI and edge technologies

07-08-2024 | Mouser Electronics | Semiconductors

Mouser, as an authorised global distributor of the newest products from AMD, offers over 4,000 products in stock or available to order, the company provides a wide portfolio of the latest AMD solutions, providing the building blocks for data centres, AI, immersive technology and embedded applications.

The AMD Alveo V80 compute accelerator card, available from the company, is powered by the AMD Versal HBM adaptive SoC with integrated HBM2e DRAM for memory-bound applications with large data sets. The card provides FPGA adaptability for wide application across diverse and custom workloads.

The Alveo MA35D media accelerator is an AI-enabled video processing PCIe card powered by an application-specific integrated circuit developed for high-density, ultra-low latency streaming. The accelerator also provides an integrated AI processor and dedicated video quality engines designed to evaluate content frame-by-frame and dynamically adjust encoder settings to improve perceived visual quality while minimising bitrate.

The AMD Kria SOM feature a custom-built Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, combining real-time control with soft and hard engines for graphics, video, waveform, and packet processing. The connector-compatible offering of two complementary Kria SOMs is targeted for cost-optimised DSP and mid-range Vision AI/Robotics use cases. The Kria SOMs include DR memory, nonvolatile storage devices, a security module, and a thermal solution. They are designed to be plugged into a carrier card with solution-specific peripherals. Application-specific starter kits offered include vision AI, robotics, and motor control.

The Versal HBM Series VHK158 evaluation kit, based on the AMD Versal HBM VH1582 adaptive SoC, supports the high memory needs of compute-intensive, memory-bound applications, delivering adaptable acceleration for data centre, wired networking, test and measurement, and aerospace applications.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.