Advanced data recording enables users to record and visualise custom data samples over time

04-09-2024 | Segger | Industrial

SEGGER has introduced the new DataPlot window for advanced data visualisation in SystemView. The DataPlot window lets users record and visualise custom data samples over time.

When analysing system behaviour, inspecting variable data is a handy tool for verifying how the embedded system is functioning. SystemView's new data recording feature allows developers to record such variable data alongside runtime information events. The new DataPlot window visualises the recorded data in scope-like graphs synchronised with the solution's Timeline and CPU Load windows. This provides information about the variable value and behaviour in each system context, ultimately helping to verify system behaviour or find root causes of unwanted behaviour.

"The ability to send and show data in SystemView had been on my SEGGER wishlist," says Erich Styger, lecturer, professor and researcher. "I have found it very helpful for use with multiple sensor values. Uses include monitoring the use of dynamic memory over time, the power profile of executing code, and the inputs and outputs of control algorithms. Thank you SEGGER!"

"SystemView is a unique tool for understanding exactly what is happening in an embedded system, tracing interrupts, task switches, API calls and other user events with cycle accuracy, typically better than 5ns," says Johannes Lask, product manager of SystemView at SEGGER. "SystemView is free for evaluation and non-commercial use under SEGGER's Friendly License. No additional hardware is required. Just download and give it a try!"

For example, a system that monitors its power consumption can record the measured samples with SystemView. With the visualisation in the DataPlot window and the instant synchronisation with runtime information, developers can easily identify spikes in current and increases in power usage synchronised to the task or event that triggered it.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.