New revolutionary all-band high-precision GNSS platform

01-10-2024 | U-Blox | Semiconductors

u-blox has released its new X20 all-band high-precision GNSS platform, which raises the bar for accuracy, performance, and security. Building on the success of its F9 high-precision GNSS platform, this new generation satisfies the current high-precision GNSS needs around the world. Its future-proof design is equipped to handle new and emerging technologies and standards. The new platform is created for industrial automation, automotive, and other applications that need centimetre-level position accuracy in challenging environments and time synchronisation applications for critical infrastructure systems.

The platform is an all-band (L1/L2/L5/L6) solution with an integrated L-band receiver. It includes all available GNSS satellite signals and provides the highest precision positioning, even in difficult signal environments. It supports the basic L1 and L2 frequencies and the subsequently added L5 band. The L5 band operates at lower frequencies than the L1 and L2 bands and benefits from enhanced signal properties, making L5 signals more robust. The platform also adds support for the L6 band. This band is used for navigation services and correction services that help make positioning estimations more precise.

The new platform delivers maximum flexibility, with built-in support for all types of correction services. It supports local base stations and correction types such as RTK, Network RTK, and PPP-RTK and also introduces the option to use PPP corrections. The platform’s versatility and scalability allow its users to select the optimal solution for their application, balancing cost and precision. Potential applications are multifold, from port logistics operations to machine control in construction and emerging industrial applications, such as UAVs and ground robotics, such as lawnmowers.

“X20 combines the unique capabilities of u-blox GNSS chips, software, modules and correction services for a new offering that outperforms alternative solutions in accuracy, performance and security,” said u-blox CEO Stephan Zizala. “Our X20 platform will make centimetre-level GNSS technology accessible to the mass markets globally. Together with a future PPP variant of PointPerfect, our customers will be able to take advantage of homogeneous correction data performance across all continents.”

The platform is software upgradeable. This serves to future-proof the system, as users can adapt their system should there be any evolutions in the relevant technologies and standards.

X20 was designed to deliver the utmost integrity and security. The platform comes with end-to-end security functions, including system authentication via secure boot and secure firmware update, message authentication, and encryption with built-in secure RoT. The platform also supports Galileo OSNMA authentication combined with advanced jamming and spoofing detection and mitigation.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.