Rutronik adds the ROHM BM6GD11BFJ-LB single-channel gate driver with integrated insulation to its range. The components can control GaN transistors with high electron mobility (HEMT) even at high speeds and have an isolation voltage of up to 2,500VRMS, a minimum I/O latency of 60ns, and a minimum input pulse width of just 65ns. Also, an UVLO is integrated into the input side (between VCC1 and GND1) and the output side (between VCC2 and GND2), respectively. The drivers operate reliably over a wide operating temperature range from -40C to +125C. They are currently considered the best of their kind for the industrial equipment market.
The output driver pins on the source and sink side are separated. These pins generate a switching waveform with a rise and fall edge that may be customised by inserting a resistor between the gate pins of the GaN HEMT.
The components are built into a SOP-JW8 package with a form factor of 4.9mm x 6mm x 1.65mm.
Typical applications include Industrial Equipment, Industrial LiDAR, Intermediate Bus Converters, and DC-DC converters.