Robin Mitchell

Robin Mitchell is an electronic engineer who has been involved in electronics since the age of 13. After completing a BEng at the University of Warwick, Robin moved into the field of online content creation, developing articles, news pieces, and projects aimed at professionals and makers alike. Currently, Robin runs a small electronics business, MitchElectronics, which produces educational kits and resources.

As Predicted – NHS Track and Trace Leaves Personal Data Vulnerable

Recently, an ex GCHQ employee warned the public against using public Wi-Fi networks with the NHS track and trace app. So how does track and trace work, what problems have been disc


China and Taiwan – Does China threaten the world’s biggest source of semiconductors?

Recently, talks around China and Taiwan suggest that China may be considering military action against Taiwan, and companies such as TSMC could be a priority for China. So why are w

Semiconductors | 08-05-2021

Weebitnano Patent and what is ReRAM?

Recently, Weebit Nano Ltd filed a patent describing new technologies in the field of ReRAM. So what is ReRAM, what does the patent describe, and how can ReRAM help with memory tech


Researchers Develop Fully Recyclable Printed Electronics

Recently, researchers from Duke University have demonstrated the world’s first fully recyclable printed electronics. What challenges may disposable electronics create, how were the


Russia Producing its own Motherboards, and the Brilliance of VLIWs

Recent reports show that Russia has started to develop their own motherboards to help improve security and remove dependency on outside nations. However, researching the topic show


Researchers Create Terahertz Transistor-like Device

Researchers from Germany and Spain have recently developed a graphene-based device that can modify its electrical and optical properties using a gate voltage. Why is graphene speci


The University of Minnesota Banned by Linux – Why Open Source is Problematic

Recently, two researchers from the University of Minnesota and fellow graduates could upload intentionally buggy code and junk code into the Linux Kernel and accepted by the commun


Cambridge-Based HexagonFab Raises £1.9 Million in Funding

Recently, HexagonFab raised £1.9 million to continue developing its novel technology for performing biochemical scans using portable equipment. So what is a bio-FET, what has the H


The Challenges Faced by Ingenuity Helicopter on Mars

Recently, the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars performed its first successful flight demonstrating that flying craft could be the future of space travel. What is Ingenuity, what electr
