Robin Mitchell

Robin Mitchell is an electronic engineer who has been involved in electronics since the age of 13. After completing a BEng at the University of Warwick, Robin moved into the field of online content creation, developing articles, news pieces, and projects aimed at professionals and makers alike. Currently, Robin runs a small electronics business, MitchElectronics, which produces educational kits and resources.

What is an iSIM?

Recently, Qualcomm demonstrated the worlds first smartphone using an iSIM. What is an iSIM, what advantages does it bring, and could it be problematic for future designs? Wha


How supercritical CO2 could be the key to thermal energy storage

A recent report on thermal energy storage describes how supercritical CO2 can be used to increase the efficiency of thermal energy storage solutions. Why is thermal energy storage


What is TinyML?

Machine learning is an extremely powerful tool, but it is seldom found on microcontrollers. Why is executing AI on microcontrollers a difficult task, what is TinyML, and could futu


What could be driving the decline of IoT innovation?

Verdict’s recent data shows a decline in patent applications in the IoT industry. What factors hinder the development of IoT devices, how significant are these factors, and what do

IoT | 20-01-2022

Pressure wave from the Tonga eruption detected in sensors around the world

The recent eruption of the Tonga volcanic eruption (2022) was so powerful that the shockwave from the eruption was captured in sensors worldwide. How do pressure sensors work, what


Tesla looks to Mozambique for graphite to avoid China

Recently, Tesla announced that it had signed an agreement with a graphite mine in Mozambique for use in Tesla batteries. Why does the electronics industry involve so many countries


Researchers develop smart face mask addon to improve mask usage

Recently, researchers have developed a new sensor that can be attached to most face masks that detect if the user is wearing the mask correctly. What challenges do masks face, what


Smart Motorway development halted over safety concerns

Recently, the UK government has paused further development of smart motorways for five years after rising concerns with safety. What are smart motorways, why are they a disaster, a


Researchers develop near-infrared sensor with spectrometer capabilities

Recently, researchers from TU/e have been able to miniaturise a near-infrared sensor that can take accurate chemical readings from food and liquids. What challenges do spectrometer
