Electronics Articles

Electropages Insights Blog covers the latest in electronic design through webinars and articles. Delve into topics from sensors to AI implications. Stay ahead with Electropages.

Researchers Identify Major DNS Vulnerabilities Affecting Millions of IoT Devices

Recently, researchers have been able to identify several DNS related vulnerabilities in many popular TCP/IP stacks. What is a DSN, what vulnerabilities have been identified, and how many devices are affected? What is a DSN? The Internet is truly one of humanit...

IoT | By Robin Mitchell | 21-04-2021

AI Helps to Identify New Types of Sclerosis in MS Patients

Recently, researchers utilised thousands of scans of MS patients and utilised AI to identify three new types of sclerosis. Why is AI ideal for medical diagnosis, how were the researchers able to utilise AI, and what challenges does AI face in the medical field...

By Robin Mitchell | 20-04-2021

NHS Trust and Council Trial AI Sensor System to Monitor Remote Patients

Recently, an NHS Trust and Stoke-on-Trent City Council have come together to trial an AI sensor system that allows remote patient monitoring. What problems does COVID cause with vulnerable patients, what does the sensor system do, and how will it help to reduc...

By Robin Mitchell | 20-04-2021

SpinFETs – The Transistor of the Future

Researchers are always looking at new methods to improve technology, and SpinFETs could be a potential solution. What is spintronics, what are SpinFETs, and why could they be the key to future electronics? What is Spintronics? Spintronics is the field of elect...

By Robin Mitchell | 19-04-2021

Nvidia Developing Custom ARM-based ‘Grace’ Datacentre Processors

Recently, Nvidia announced that it is working on a custom ARM-based datacentre processor that will directly challenge Intel. What will the Grace processors provide, why do ARM processors make ideal candidates for next-generation datacentres, and does this fuel...

By Robin Mitchell | 19-04-2021

AI Traffic Monitoring Being Deployed in Scotland

Recently, The Highland Council has secured a £180,000 budget for deploying an AI traffic detection system that will provide data on traffic volume and type of traffic. But, is there a cause for privacy concerns, or will the system be a benefit for future gener...

Privacy | By Sam Brown | 16-04-2021

Researchers Reveal Ferroelectric Fatigue for the First Time

Researchers from the University of Sydney have directly observed the nature of ferroelectric fatigue. What is ferroelectric fatigue, why is the discovery important, and how could it help future electronic designs? What are ferroelectric materials? A ferroelect...

By Robin Mitchell | 15-04-2021

Wearable Technology Could Help to Prevent Head Trauma

An armature rugby player from the UK has developed a wearable head sensor for sensing head trauma and warning users when they may be at risk. What problems does high-impact sport present, what will the developed device help with, and how could it change sporti...

Wearables | By Robin Mitchell | 14-04-2021

Field Programmable Analog Arrays – What are they and could they help with unique applications?

Everyone knows what FPGAs are, but have you ever heard of an FPAA? What are FPAAs, what problems do they face, and could they provide a viable solution for future problems? What is an FPAA? Field Programmable Gate Arrays, or FPGAs for short, are semiconductor...

By Robin Mitchell | 13-04-2021

Homomorphic Encryption – How it Could Solve Data Privacy

Privacy concerns in IoT, AI, and general transmission of data continue to increase, but a new encryption method could solve this. Why is AI facing challenges in the field of data privacy, what is homomorphic encryption, and how could it transform the world of...

Privacy | By Sam Brown | 13-04-2021

STMicroelectronics MEMS Mirrors Chosen for Intel RealSense

Recently, Intel announced that STMicroelectronics has been chosen to provide MEMS micro-mirrors for their RealSense High-Resolution LiDAR camera. Why are MEMS mirrors highly ideal for LiDAR, what is the L515, and how will it help with vision systems? Why are M...

By Robin Mitchell | 12-04-2021

Zedsen hits $110m valuation – Non-invasive sensors for medical and security

Recently, UK advanced sensor company Zedsen has reached a valuation of $110m after it demonstrated its intention to produce a wearable medical device next year. Who is Zedsen, what technology have they developed, and what applications does their technology pro...

Security | By Robin Mitchell | 12-04-2021