Hardware Pioneers Max 2022: Driving Game-Changing IoT Ingenuity
08-09-2022 | By Hardware Pioneers
Hardware Pioneers Max returns to London at the Business Design Centre. This annual gathering, held on 25 October 2022, is dedicated to all those involved in developing IoT solutions and bringing them to market.
There will be an audience of over 2000 people at the event - comprised of engineers, business leaders, technology journalists, industry analysts and investors. 70 influential companies and organisations will be exhibiting, and there will be a series of informative presentations, valuable networking sessions and lively panel discussions.
Among the numerous companies participating in the exhibition will be semiconductor vendors like NXP, STMicroelectronics, Renesas, Micron and Texas Instruments, plus embedded/wireless module manufacturers such as Advantech and U-blox. IoT connectivity providers like Kigen, 1NCE and floLIVE will also be involved.
Tickets can be booked here: https://link.hardwarepioneers.com/prhpm
Hardware Pioneers Max shows provide a unique opportunity for the IoT sector’s trailblazers to meet - learning about new technological advances, sharing ideas and forging new partnerships. Since the first one took place back in 2015, they have attracted a total of more than 30,000 attendees around the world. “The Hardware Pioneers Max event in London this October will bring together those that are responsible for ongoing IoT innovation and the key stakeholders that are going to benefit from this,” states David Bellisario, CEO of Hardware Pioneers. “All attendees have a common vision of using technology to help improve society and to build a smarter world that is better for its inhabitants. Our mission is to provide them with a location in which they can network with one another and share their knowledge. This year’s event is set to be our best yet, with many high-profile speakers and leading global brands contributing.”
Finding the right IoT hardware and partners
The Hardware Pioneers Max 2022 event is the best location to discover the newest products and services – so differentiated IoT solutions can be designed, built and managed. Attendees will be able to find cutting-edge hardware and software technologies to implement in their IoT-based solutions. Likewise, it will give them the opportunity to meet potential partners that can help them with their projects.
Knowledge sharing and learning from the community
Those at the event will gain actionable advice and guidance from the brightest minds in the IoT community – by attending 20+ hours of talks, panel discussions and seminars, as well as direct conversations. They will be able to get up to date with the latest trends and advancements in the sector and learn how to avoid costly mistakes that could otherwise slow down their development work. There will be opportunities to meet other pioneering technical leaders, product managers, engineers and entrepreneurs who are building the next generation of IoT products.
About Hardware Pioneers
Hardware Pioneers’ mission is to accelerate learning and facilitate business connections among the people who are building a smarter world. To accomplish this mission, they create environments that foster NETWORKING, KNOWLEDGE-SHARING and BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS between the people and companies who are solving meaningful problems.
Hardware Pioneers strive to spark collaboration between the most innovative teams that are building smart and connected products and the partners that will accelerate their success.