Recently, the EPI announced that it has developed its first HPC chip using RISC-V technology and is now in the stages of having the device fabricated. What is the EPI, what will the new device be capable of, and how does this release demonstrate the potential...
RISC-V | By Robin Mitchell | 12-06-2021
Recently, an initiative from the police in Wales was announced that aims to protect farmers using IoT technologies. What challenges do farmers present, how will the initiative work, and what does this demonstrate about LoRa? What challenges does the agricultur...
IoT | By Robin Mitchell | 11-06-2021
Recently, Apple launched a new app for their smartwatch devices in Australia that monitors heart erythema and warns users of their condition. How do most smart devices monitor heart rate, why are these devices not true ECGs, and how can they still be helpful?...
By Robin Mitchell | 10-06-2021
Recently, researchers from MIT have developed a new polymer cable that is as thin as hair but can transmit over 100Gbps. What challenges do copper and fibre optic cables face, what did the researchers develop, and how will it help with the future of technology...
By Robin Mitchell | 09-06-2021
Recent reports of devices used by BBC staff smoking and being irritating only adds fuel to the fire that is social distance trackers. What are social distance trackers, what probably went wrong with the BBC devices, and why are they useless? What are social di...
By Robin Mitchell | 09-06-2021
The recent Apple M1 processor designed by Apple has been discovered to contain a bug that could be used maliciously. Why did Apple design the M1, what does the vulnerability do, and is it really a threat? Why did Apple design the M1? For the longest time, comp...
By Sam Brown | 08-06-2021
Recently, a resident of Nevada State was arrested for illegally shipping restricted electronic devices to Iran via intermediaries in Honk Kong. Why are some components restricted for export, what examples exist for device restrictions, and how can engineers de...
By Robin Mitchell | 08-06-2021
Recently, researchers have been able to combine Iron and Gallium to create a new magnetostrictive material ideal for use in Magneto-Electric Spin-Orbit electronics. What are Magneto-Electric Spin-Orbit electronics, how have the researchers created the new mate...
Semiconductors | By Robin Mitchell | 07-06-2021
Photomultipliers are critical for detecting extremely weak light signals, but are often bulky and use old technology such as vacuum tubes. Why are photomultipliers important, what have the researchers demonstrated, and how could it enable new applications? Wha...
By Robin Mitchell | 07-06-2021
Royole recently demonstrated a flexible display using micro-LEDs. What are micro-LEDs, what are the specifications of the demonstrated display, and could micro LEDs be the dominant display technology of the future? What are micro-LEDs? There are many to choose...
By Robin Mitchell | 04-06-2021
Recently, Qualcomm announced the development of their first 5G modem dedicated to IIoT applications. What challenges do current network systems face, what are the capabilities of the new modems, and why could cellular networks provide the solution for future w...
Recently, Qualcomm announced the development of their first 5G modem dedicated to IIoT applications. What challenges do current network systems face, what are the capabilities of the new modems, and why could cellular networks provide the solution for future w...