Electronics Articles

Electropages Insights Blog covers the latest in electronic design through webinars and articles. Delve into topics from sensors to AI implications. Stay ahead with Electropages.

The Sun’s the Limit - Further Proliferation of Solar Technology

While Chinese companies currently dominate the production of solar cells using silicon substrates, European manufacturers have been pioneering two very different ways of capturing solar energy and converting it to electricity. Instead of needing to rely on the...

Articles | By Mark Patrick | 13-05-2019

The Sun’s the Limit - Further Proliferation of Solar Technology

While Chinese companies currently dominate the production of solar cells using silicon substrates, European manufacturers have been pioneering two very different ways of capturing solar energy and converting it to electricity. Instead of needing to rely on the...

Insights | By Mark Patrick | 13-05-2019

Will Blockchain handcuff the hackers and cut corruption?

There are a lot of things going on in the engineering community right now - and, as engineers, we are tasked with creating the world of tomorrow while the current machinery in place is still running. New innovations are arising and the challenge the engineerin...

Articles | By Mark Patrick | 10-05-2019

Will Blockchain handcuff the hackers and cut corruption?

There are a lot of things going on in the engineering community right now - and, as engineers, we are tasked with creating the world of tomorrow while the current machinery in place is still running. New innovations are arising and the challenge the engineerin...

Insights | By Mark Patrick | 10-05-2019

How IoT is Revolutionising Healthcare

The Internet of Things (IoT) ushered in a new era of innovation. IoT applications range from shipping and manufacturing to smart home control and automation, and even entertainment. Notably, the healthcare sector benefited from the Internet of Things greatly....

Articles | By Moe Long | 09-05-2019

How IoT is Revolutionising Healthcare

The Internet of Things (IoT) ushered in a new era of innovation. IoT applications range from shipping and manufacturing to smart home control and automation, and even entertainment. Notably, the healthcare sector benefited from the Internet of Things greatly....

Insights | By Moe Long | 09-05-2019

Analog Devices Inc. has announced the ADMV1013 and ADMV1014

Analog Devices Inc. has announced the ADMV1013 and ADMV1014, a paired highly integrated microwave upconverter and downconverter, respectively. The ADMV1013 is offered in a 40-pin, six millimetre by 6mm LGA, and the ADMV1014, which is made of silicon germanium,...

Articles | By Rob Coppinger | 08-05-2019

Analog Devices Inc. has announced the ADMV1013 and ADMV1014

Analog Devices Inc. has announced the ADMV1013 and ADMV1014, a paired highly integrated microwave upconverter and downconverter, respectively. The ADMV1013 is offered in a 40-pin, six millimetre by 6mm LGA, and the ADMV1014, which is made of silicon germanium,...

In The News | By Rob Coppinger | 08-05-2019

MicroLEDs & µLEDs for high resolution visualisation

‘SmartVIZ’, a microLED project funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, is well underway with the first demonstration scheduled to be presented in October 2021. MicroLEDs, also known as mLED or µLED, are an e...

Articles | By Nnamdi Anyadike | 07-05-2019

MicroLEDs & µLEDs for high resolution visualisation

‘SmartVIZ’, a microLED project funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, is well underway with the first demonstration scheduled to be presented in October 2021. MicroLEDs, also known as mLED or µLED, are an e...

Insights | By Nnamdi Anyadike | 07-05-2019

Phosphorene batteries expected to realise a 50% bump in energy capacity

Batteries could have 50% more capacity and charge far faster using phosphorene nanoribbons and sodium instead of lithium and graphene say researchers. Phosphor is plentiful and found more widely than lithium and combined in its two-dimensional form, known as p...

By Rob Coppinger | 29-04-2019

Blockchain is changing the data storage landscape

Many people have heard of Blockchain but most think of only cryptocurrency when the word comes up and, it’s true, Blockchain is a core technology that enables cryptocurrencies to exist. However, Blockchain is more a philosophy than a technology, in that the co...

By Mark Patrick | 25-04-2019