Electronics Articles

Electropages Insights Blog covers the latest in electronic design through webinars and articles. Delve into topics from sensors to AI implications. Stay ahead with Electropages.

Automotive Suite v1.0 gets into gear

Three companies have got together to launch the first generation of the Qt Automotive Suite. With a background of providing automotive user interface (UI) software to more than twenty automotive customers, the Qt Company along with Pelagicore and KDAB see this...

Articles | By Paul Whytock | 09-06-2016

Automotive Suite v1.0 gets into gear

Three companies have got together to launch the first generation of the Qt Automotive Suite. With a background of providing automotive user interface (UI) software to more than twenty automotive customers, the Qt Company along with Pelagicore and KDAB see this...

Insights | By Paul Whytock | 09-06-2016

Russian foundry creates new ASIC design using a Cortus APS core

Russian semiconductor foundry Angstrem-T has developed an ASIC based on a Cortus APS 32bit microcontroller core. The development comes following a working relationship between the Russian foundry and Cortus, a company specialising in low power 32Bit processor...

Articles | By Paul Whytock | 08-06-2016

Russian foundry creates new ASIC design using a Cortus APS core

Russian semiconductor foundry Angstrem-T has developed an ASIC based on a Cortus APS 32bit microcontroller core. The development comes following a working relationship between the Russian foundry and Cortus, a company specialising in low power 32Bit processor...

Insights | By Paul Whytock | 08-06-2016

STM32 Open Development Environment gets projects off to a fast start

A microcontroller is the natural choice for designers who want to develop embedded applications that need to bring together, analyze and act on real-time data. But when you want to get a prototype together as quickly as possible, you want a microcontroller fam...

Environment | By Paul Whytock | 07-06-2016

Modern Solutions for Effective Heat Management

Effective heat management is a must for practically any electronic device or application. Numerous solutions are available that meet the requirements of today's innovative applications. By Roland Hofmann, Product Manager for Thermal Management at Rutronik....

By Roland Hofmann | 03-06-2016

Bring down those dangerous drones - the technology exists

How would you like to be on an aircraft that was hit by a drone while taking off or landing? The answer is of course that you wouldn’t. Yet in April this year that’s exactly what happened to a British Airways Airbus A320 destined for London Heathrow Airport. T...

Articles | By Paul Whytock | 02-06-2016

Bring down those dangerous drones - the technology exists

How would you like to be on an aircraft that was hit by a drone while taking off or landing? The answer is of course that you wouldn’t. Yet in April this year that’s exactly what happened to a British Airways Airbus A320 destined for London Heathrow Airport. T...

Insights | By Paul Whytock | 02-06-2016

Dev boards will accelerate embedded design claims ST Micro

Entry, mid and high-end dev boards for the STM32F7 microcontroller series that are entering volume production with up to 2Mbyte of on-chip Flash have been launched by STMicroelectronics. Created to provide design start-up support, these dev tools include a STM...

Articles | By Paul Whytock | 31-05-2016

Dev boards will accelerate embedded design claims ST Micro

Entry, mid and high-end dev boards for the STM32F7 microcontroller series that are entering volume production with up to 2Mbyte of on-chip Flash have been launched by STMicroelectronics. Created to provide design start-up support, these dev tools include a STM...

Insights | By Paul Whytock | 31-05-2016

Blue-sky thinking pushes up perovskite PV conversion efficiencies

A combination of perovskite solar modules positioned on top of silicon solar modules could mean that future solar power conversion efficiencies of 30% might be achieved. This possibility follows the unveiling by Solliance, a research and design consortium, and...

Articles | By Paul Whytock | 26-05-2016

Blue-sky thinking pushes up perovskite PV conversion efficiencies

A combination of perovskite solar modules positioned on top of silicon solar modules could mean that future solar power conversion efficiencies of 30% might be achieved. This possibility follows the unveiling by Solliance, a research and design consortium, and...

Insights | By Paul Whytock | 26-05-2016