All-weather global shutter ethernet camera for outdoor applications unveiled

18-06-2024 | e-con Systems | Test & Measurement

e-con Systems has introduced a new Outdoor-Ready Global Shutter GigE camera – RouteCAM_CU25, the powerful addition to its high-performance Ethernet camera series, RouteCAM. This Full HD PoE camera provides accurate and fast capture of moving scenes at a high frame rate, making it excellent for applications like smart traffic, road safety and law enforcement, and forklift safety.

With PTP Synchronisation, the camera attains sub-microsecond levels of time synchronisation for precision-critical applications and ensures that frames captured by multiple Ethernet cameras are precisely synchronised.

The RouteCAM_CU25 camera seamlessly and effortlessly integrates with the company's cutting-edge cloud-based device management platform, CloVis Central. This integration not only delivers comprehensive remote management of all on-field device operations but also improves efficiency, facilitating quicker time to market, cost reductions, and enhanced application success rates.

This GigE camera delivers the ability to stream high-quality, compressed Full HD data in a range of industry-standard formats, including MJPEG, H.264, and H.265.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.