Leading the way in IoT with new ultra-low-power asset tracking service

05-09-2024 | U-Blox | Semiconductors

u-blox has announced CloudTrack, a unique end-to-end asset tracking service that breaks new ground for the IoT landscape. The all-in-one service provides ultra-low-power positioning, global connectivity and cloud integration. The service simplifies IoT asset tracking with contractless per-location-request plans accessible worldwide, offering businesses a predictable pay-as-you-go pricing model without hidden costs or worries about data usage.

The most notable advantage of the service is its exceptional 6X energy savings, compared to a standalone GNSS fix with a cold start and transmitting data securely over the internet. The service leverages the best of the company's expertise and technology to intelligently calculate the position using a combination of available data from GNSS, cellular, and Wi-Fi sources. Businesses can locate assets in poor or non-existing GNSS signal conditions or even indoors, where it would otherwise be challenging to get a location fix and would quickly drain the battery.

CloudTrack allows customers to eradicate the complexity and inconvenience of dealing with multiple location data and connectivity providers. This single-provider solution with a straightforward per-location-request pricing model streamlines the asset-tracking process for businesses. Moreover, with a single Thingstream SIM card that operates everywhere, IoT devices can span the globe using one stock-keeping unit (SKU), eradicating the necessity for regional SKUs. The Thingstream cloud platform makes it easy for businesses to transform and integrate their data with tracking dashboards, major cloud platforms, and enterprise backend systems.

The service works optimally with the company's cellular 'combo' modules, including the LENA-R8 LTE Cat 1bis module with integrated M10 GNSS receiver, to deliver an all-in-one ultra-low-power global IoT asset tracking solution that is unmatched in the industry. This synergy of hardware, location and data communication services, cloud intelligence, and best-in-class energy savings exemplifies the company's mission to 'reliably locate and connect everything'.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.