Multi-platform IDE includes source code of libraries

29-11-2022 | Segger | Industrial

SEGGER's latest version of Embedded Studio is supplied with the source code and on-demand build of C runtime library, emRun, and C++ library, emRun++.

A toolchain generally possesses pre-compiled libraries for all supported architectures and configurations, with the installation taking up substantial space on a developer's machine. This software automatically builds and installs the libraries the initial time they are used.

As well as cutting down the disk space needed, this also decreases the download size of the setup and the installation time to less than 50% compared to earlier releases. A typical download size varies from 400MB to less than 250MB, depending on the platform. It can readily be downloaded and installed on Linux, macOS and Windows. No license key is needed for evaluation and non-commercial use – it works out of the box.

The new version adds full transparency to all aspects of a project with no unknowns hidden in a library. Developers can view the full code for review, verification and assist with certification.

"Embedded Studio automatically fine-tunes emRun and emRun++ for size-optimised code or speed-optimised code or a balance of both to fit the needs of most developers," says Rolf Segger, founder of SEGGER. "With access to the source code, developers can now also configure the libraries to suit a specific hardware and project. On flexible architectures, such as RISC-V with various extensions, firmware can benefit immensely from a targeted runtime library."

The company's market-leading emRun is a complete C runtime library, which incorporates the compay's emFloat floating point library. It is particularly developed and optimised for embedded systems, with hand-coded assembly optimisations for Arm and RISC-V cores. emRun++ provides C++ support for the C++17 standard.

The new version is fully compatible with previous versions.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.