Precision-engineered stamped metal antennas for multiple solutions

15-01-2024 | Pasternack | Passives

Pasternack announces its new line of stamped metal antennas, crafted for those prioritising efficiency and intelligent design in their electronic solutions.

Harnessing the prowess of intricate metal stamping methods, the new range of antennas epitomises the synergy between compactness and potent wireless performance. They are suitable for consumer electronics in IoT, automotive and industrial applications.

The company allows businesses to embed these ultra-efficient antennas into their devices. With such integration, the challenges posed by unwieldy external antennas vanish, paving the way for sleeker designs without compromising wireless capabilities. Devices fitted with these new stamped metal antennas pledge lightning-fast data transmission, vigilant real-time monitoring, and impeccable communication.

Key to their prowess is the ability to deliver consistently across diverse electronic terrains, be it onboard or surface-mounted scenarios. With the vast scope, spanning multiple Wi-Fi applications, they are the definitive selection for IoT applications, telemetry, machine-to-machine interfaces and a plethora of industrial or commercial systems.

Distinguishing these antennas further is the unique design philosophy. While compact, their fabrication from premium, low-loss materials ensures high performance. Their versatility is displayed by their availability in stand-alone and bulk 50-pack options, catering to diverse customer needs. Customisation is not an afterthought; its range provides an eclectic mix of shapes, with select models even offering the advanced IPEX connectors for an added touch of excellence.

"Pasternack's stamped metal antennas are a testament to our commitment to innovation, seamlessly combining form and function," said product line manager Kevin Hietpas. "As the world moves towards more streamlined devices, we ensure that performance isn't left behind."


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.