Silicone overmoulded assemblies ideal for high currents and temperatures

27-01-2023 | ODU Connectors | Industrial

ODU provides individual, silicone-overmoulded assemblies of connectors and certified silicone cables with optional laser marking in accordance with UDI.

In applications facing high currents and/or temperatures, with high data rates transmitted through copper or fibre-optic cables and where sealing is crucial - it is not enough to provide a high-quality connector and disregard the connection technology or cable assembly. Only together with the right cable and a process-reliable connection can a connector satisfy customer needs. With a complete solution from a single source, the company can guarantee the complete reliability of the cable assembly.

The assemblies are simple to clean, flexible, and insensitive to extreme temperatures and remain usable even after the required autoclave cycles (steam sterilisation at 134C and 3.04mbar). An external test laboratory has confirmed cytotoxicity testing (outgassing) to DIN EN ISO 10993-5.

The complex process of silicone overmoulding guarantees a tight but flexible connection of cables to the connector (kink protection to DIN EN ISO 61010-031 as well as increased strain relief) and is adjusted to the specific material properties of the silicone cable.

Cable assemblies are offered at any length (within the scope of technical possibilities), so customers do not need to limit themselves to predefined dimensions. Cables from qualified suppliers include certifications and additional tests for surface finish, adhesion and cleaning, ensuring no further certification procedures are needed. So, the supply chain is limited to one point of contact and the customer need only manage one part number.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.