Transport data loggers meet stricter air cargo security conditions

20-02-2023 | MSR Electronics | Test & Measurement

Data loggers are employed to monitor the transport of goods. Particularly high safety conditions are placed on these loggers for air freight transports, and the loggers of MSR Electronics GmbH fulfil these specifications.

Where and when did critical events such as impacts, shocks, inadmissible temperature, air pressure or humidity levels arise during the transport of goods? These questions occur at the latest when the transported goods have sustained damage. In retrospect, it is difficult, if not impossible, to verify who caused the damage – simply because the essential facts are missing. These data loggers as transport companions offer a remedy. Using precise sensors, they record transport loads with evidentiary value, ensuring transparency in the supply chain.

If data loggers are used to accompany goods in air freight transports, they must satisfy extremely high safety requirements. All data loggers that contain lithium polymer batteries are subject to certain IATA regulations. Due to stricter aviation safety conditions, the loggers of the company were again tested by several important airlines in a rigorous test procedure according to international standards. The company’s transport loggers successfully passed all safety tests of Lufthansa Cargo and other important airlines such as Austrian, Swiss, Brussels Airlines, Japan Airlines or ANA Cargo and, therefore, continue to carry the rating ‘air cargo approved’. Its data loggers can, therefore, continue to help prevent transport damage or identify the cause of damage.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.