Recently, Norfolk and Suffolk police admitted that victim data had been accessed after a freedom of information request was filed, potentially exposing well over a thousand individuals, thus demonstrating the incompetence of local governments and agencies when...
By Robin Mitchell | 04-09-2023
As cars become more digital than mechanical, the inclusion of numerous smart technologies has helped to accelerate the development of autonomous driving systems. However, with so many sensors and cameras on modern vehicles, there are increasing concerns that s...
By Robin Mitchell | 19-04-2023
A new crowdsourced project is being developed to fight against the misuse of Apple AirTags, which use Bluetooth, UWB and GPS technology to track the location of personal devices. While AirTags are designed to help users track their personal belongings, they ca...
By Robin Mitchell | 22-02-2023
Recently, HM Treasury and Bank of England announced their plans to potentially introduce a digital pound that would, in theory, help improve monetary transactions and provide stability against cryptocurrencies. However, a centralised digital currency is the la...
By Robin Mitchell | 08-02-2023
Recent product release reports show off the world’s smallest desk occupancy sensor claiming that it will help control environments and improve office efficiency, but in reality, such sensors will likely be used for petty managers tied to ageing mindsets. How c...
By Robin Mitchell | 29-09-2022
As large portions of the M3 undergo smart motorway conversion, there is a fatal issue facing smart motorways that aren’t being solved. Why are smart motorways being introduced, what is the fatal issue they face, and why would solutions to this potentially inva...
By Robin Mitchell | 20-09-2022
I Live in London, which means that when I move around the city, be it for business meetings, shopping or sightseeing, I will be photographed over 200 times in one day. This will be by a variety of devices that can be government or police surveillance, busines...
By Paul Whytock | 22-08-2022
Recently, an air traveller used an Apple AirTag to locate her missing luggage, which resulted in the arrest of an airline worker with over $16,000 of luggage recovered. What exactly happened at the airport, how do Apple AirTags work, and do they present privac...
By Robin Mitchell | 16-08-2022
After two years of use, the Co-op shopping chain is facing a legal challenge over its use of biometric data to track shoplifting suspects and deny access to stores. What technologies does facial recognition allow, why is the co-op facing opposition, and why sh...
By Robin Mitchell | 28-07-2022
If the IoT industry has taught us anything, it’s that we need to predict problems before they materialise, and the introduction of the smart home may be vulnerable to a serious issue; house moving. Why is it more important than ever that engineers try to predi...
By Robin Mitchell | 20-06-2022
Dorset Council has recently announced that it will increase its use of IoT sensors in the homes of vulnerable people to help identify those that may be in danger. How can IoT devices play a key role in active safety monitoring, what do the IoT sensors do, and...
By Robin Mitchell | 28-04-2022
Recent rumours suggest that Apple repair service (as well as authorised repair services) will no longer repair devices marked as “missing”. What benefit do device registries and unique serial numbers present, what has Apple specifically announced, and does thi...
By Robin Mitchell | 04-04-2022
Recently, controversial AI face recognition developer Clearview AI has received a €20m fine from the Italian data protection agency for unauthorised use and storage of private data. Why is Clearview AI regarded as highly unethical, what did Italy do in respons...
By Robin Mitchell | 18-03-2022
A recent report on Apple AirTags shows that they are already being used to track individuals for potentially criminal purposes. What are AirTags, why are they a bad idea, and how does this demonstrate poor judgement? What are Apple AirTags? Apple AirTags...
By Robin Mitchell | 24-01-2022