Electronics Articles

Electropages Insights Blog covers the latest in electronic design through webinars and articles. Delve into topics from sensors to AI implications. Stay ahead with Electropages.

Wearable health devices could be powered by sweat

Health monitoring devices including those that deliver drugs could be powered by the patients’ own sweat using tiny microbial fuel cells embedded in what is called electronic skin. What is Electronic Skin? Electronic skins or ‘e-skins’ are novel platforms for...

By Rob Coppinger | 17-06-2019

Decentralised systems for ‘next generation’ industrial production

As industry moves into the ‘next generation’, or Industry 4.0 production process, ‘smart’ decentralised plant control will inevitably become its distinguishing feature. Decentralised control will simplify the manufacturing process and provide the manufacturer...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 13-06-2019

Quantum dot of gold could be the transistor of tomorrow

A two-dimensional (2D) quantum dot of gold could be the transistor of tomorrow’s electronics but 2D microchips are too small to make with today’s lithographic technologies. For decades, the law that describes how computers double their performance every 18 mon...

By Rob Coppinger | 11-06-2019

New Fast Battery Charging Pushing Boundaries

The Future of Fast Charging Ultra-fast charging is the ‘holy grail’ of new battery technology and today’s fast chargers can charge batteries in half the time of older chargers. But even faster times are expected within the next couple of years. This will trans...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 07-06-2019

Could robots make a better Brexit decision than our MP's?

The answer, despite the perpetual comedy of our elected Members of Parliament scampering around like headless chickens trying to reach a sensible Brexit decision, is no. It’s no because robotic artificial intelligence (Ai) will never replace human Ri - Real in...

By Paul Whytock | 07-06-2019

3 New Materials Created by Off-Earth Manufacturing

The space race is no longer the province of nations or pan-continental unions. In the 21st century, corporations are investing in the vehicles and infrastructure needed to profit from alien resources and zero gravity manufacturing. New materials and techniques...

By Christian Cawley | 04-06-2019

One-way energy channel improves sensors and cooling

Laser light has interacted with mechanical vibrating membranes proving that energy can be made to flow in one direction only, potentially enabling more reliable quantum computing and cooler communication systems that have clearer signals. In electronics, the e...

By Rob Coppinger | 03-06-2019

How Facial Recognition Software Needs to Improve, Fast

The future of facial recognition promises so much. Security, direct marketing, improvements in AI, to name but a few. But all is not well in the world of facial recognition. Issues that should have been resolved long ago are causing controversies that threaten...

By Christian Cawley | 30-05-2019

Analog Devices Inc included in Corporate Knights 2019 list

Analog Devices Inc. has been ranked as one of the utmost sustainable companies in the Corporate Knights 2019 list of the 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. More than 7,500 global corporations with annual revenues of more than $1 billion were asses...

By Rob Coppinger | 30-05-2019

EV driving range now extends to over 200 miles

Improved technologies are on the verge of making electric vehicles a much more viable proposition in just a few years time. A recent study published by Cornwall Insight the provider of research and analysis in the energy markets, indicates that the average ele...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 29-05-2019

Changing lithium ion cathode expected to improve charging times

Consumer electronics, solar grid storage and electric vehicles could all see improved battery performance for charging if vanadium disulfide is added to a battery’s lithium cathode and cobalt oxide removed. A battery consists of two electrodes, an anode and a...

By Rob Coppinger | 28-05-2019

Geoshift in the Power Market

What is Geothermal Energy? Geothermal energy technology is currently underused but starting to emerge in certain suitable locations as part of the overall mix of renewable energy sources. It works on the principle of drilling down into a known geothermal reser...

By Mark Patrick | 28-05-2019