Power Integrations has released a high-current member of its LinkSwitch-TN2Q automotive switcher IC family, providing up to 850mA of output current without needing metal heatsinkin
Automotive & Transport | 25-08-2022
Power Integrations offers the SCALE EV family of gate-driver boards for Infineon EconoDUAL modules. Appropriate for original, clone and new SiC variants, the driver is aimed at hig
Automotive & Transport | 17-05-2022
Power Integrations has launched the HiperPFS-5 family of PFC ICs with an integrated 750 V PowiGaN gallium-nitride switch. With an efficiency of up to 98.3%, the new ICs provide up
Semiconductors | 30-03-2022
Power Integrations has added two new AEC-Q100 qualified, 1700V rated ICs to its InnoSwitch3-AQ family. The new devices are the industry's first automotive-qualified switching power
Automotive & Transport | 04-02-2022
Power Integrations has released the highly integrated InnoSwitch3-TN off-line CV/CC flyback switcher IC. Provided in a safety-qualified, compact MinSOP-16A package and including a
Power | 15-12-2021
The Power Integrations InnoSwitch3-EP family of ICs, available now from RS Components, dramatically simplifies the design and manufacture of flyback power converters, especially th
Semiconductors | 25-10-2021
Power Integrations has released the InnoSwitch3-PD family of ICs, claimed to be the industry's most highly integrated solution for USB Type-C, USB PD, and USB PPS adapters. This co
Semiconductors | 28-09-2021
Power Integrations has released the LinkSwitch-TNZ, a new switching power supply IC that links offline power conversion, lossless zero-cross detection and, optionally, X-capacitor
Semiconductors | 21-06-2021
Power Integrations has launched the InnoSwitch4-CZ family of high frequency, zero voltage switching flyback switcher ICs. These devices include a robust 750V primary switch using i
Semiconductors | 27-05-2021
Power Integrations has released its Motor-Expert software, an embedded 'C' code application, library and control GUI that allows designers utilising the company’s BridgeSwitch BLDC
Subs & Systems | 11-05-2021
Power Integrations has announced that its automotive-qualified InnoSwitch3-AQ flyback switcher IC family is now available with a member rated to 900V, providing greater headroom fo
Automotive & Transport | 07-05-2021
Power Integrations now offers its HiperPFS-4 PFC controller IC featuring an integrated Qspeed low reverse recovery charge (Qrr) boost diode. This combination produces greater than
Semiconductors | 16-04-2021
Power Integrations has announced a new member of its LinkSwitch-TN2 AC/DC converter family. The new LNK3207 ICs aids higher-power offline buck converter designs for appliances and
Power | 29-03-2021
Power Integrations offers the MinE-CAP IC for high power density, universal input AC/DC converters. By halving the size of the high-voltage bulk electrolytic capacitors needed in o
Power | 03-11-2020