High-temperature N-channel power MOSFET integrated drivers
02-02-2015 |
X-REL Semiconductor has unveiled two new product families targeting power
conversion applications in highly-demanding markets including aerospace,
industrial, hybrid and electric vehicles, transportation, geothermal, and
the oil and gas industries.
The XTR20410 and XTR20810 product families consist of highly-flexible
devices with power N-channel MOSFETs and integrated drivers tailored for use
in extreme reliability and high temperature applications, such as DC-DC
converters, motor control and power switching.
Matching network optimization between a driver and a power transistor is a
difficult and time-consuming task. The XTR20410 and XTR20810 products
provide users with a turn-key solution that already matches power transistor
and driver inside a single piece of silicon. These products therefore enable
faster development cycles and shorter time-to-market than with standard
The XTR20410 devices may be used as high-side (40V max), low-side, or
low-side switch with negative offset (-30V max) on the output stage (SOURCE
connected to a negative voltage), while receiving a control input signal
referred to GND.
The XTR20810 devices are intended to be used as low-side switches, which are
able to sustain transient overshoot voltages up to 100V.
The parts are designed to reliably operate from -60C to well above +230C (5
years at +230C). Being operational at high temperatures is essential in
applications where the environment is at elevated temperature or where some
other device makes the temperature inside the application increase.
Additionally, all X-REL Semiconductor products can be used in applications
running at lower temperatures (e.g. from 100C to 200C) where extended
lifetime is expected or where failing is not an option. For example, the
expected lifetime of X-REL Semiconductor parts in an application operating
at Tj=150C is over 35 years.
Parts from XTR20410 and XTR20810 families are already available and can be
immediately deployed in both niche and large-scale markets in
high-reliability compact hermetic or plastic packages, as well as bare dies,
says the company.