Easy-to-use module for creating a complete Bluetooth Low Energy system
16-12-2015 |
Mouser Electronics
Subs & Systems
Providing designers with a certified easy-to-use solution for creating a
complete Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) system, the Cypress CY8CKIT-143 PSOC 4
BLE 256K module is now available from Mouser stock.
The compact, 45mm x 27mm x 2mm, CY8CKIT-143 includes a PSoC 4 BLE device
with 256KB internal flash, 24MHz and 32.768kHz crystals, a PCB antenna, and
other passives. The CY8CKIT-143 provides easy access to all GPIOs on the
device. Designers can plug the module into the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth Low
Energy Pioneer Kit or use the module with an external programmer such as the
CY8CKIT-002 MiniProg3.