Development modules for the FTDI FT900 embedded microcontroller
07-01-2016 |
Mouser Electronics
Design & Manufacture
Available now from Mouser stock, FTDI's FT90X Series development modules
include the UMFTPD2A debugger / programmer module, the MM900EV1A/2A/3A and
the MM900EV LITE development modules.
The UMFTPD2A debugger / programmer module provides a USB bridge between the
FT90X Eclipse IDE development tools running on a PC and the FT900 1-wire
debug pin. The MM900EV provide full hardware feature support for the FT90X
processor in a variety of form factors. The MM900EV LITE is a development
module for FTDI's 32-bit high performance FT90x Microcontroller family,
which is used to develop and demonstrate the functionality of the FT900
Embedded Microcontroller.