Evaluation board enables the user to evaluate and develop applications
18-04-2016 |
Design & Manufacture
Cypress' EZ-BLE PSoC module, available now from Digi-Key is a fully integrated, fully certified, 11mm x 11mm x 1.8mm, programmable, Bluetooth smart module designed to reduce time-to-market.
The board can be used with the bluetooth low energy pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-042-BLE) and PSoC creator to develop BLE applications. To enable easy prototyping the evaluation board routes the GPIOs of the on-board module to the CapSense slider, RGB LED, switches, and PSoC 5 LP on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard.
The CYBLE-014008-EVAL also requires the CY8CKIT-002 MINIPROG3 or the CY8CKIT-042-BLE BLE pioneer kit. The board can also be programmed and debugged with the PSoC MiniProg3 program and debug kit (CY8CKIT-002) and PSoC creator.