20-06-2016 | Analog Devices | Semiconductors
Analog Devices has added the ADSP-SC57x and ADSP-2157x processors to its growing series of single-chip multicore SHARC processors. The devices advance the audio experience by enabling superior sound quality and more cost-effective and reliable audio systems. The new processor platform meets automotive temperature ranges without the need for costly, bulky heat sinks or fans, which saves space in the end application. By combining ADI’s SHARC technology with ARM Cortex-A5 system control capability, the series provides a high performance, low cost solution for complex applications such as Dolby Atmos, DTS:X or active noise cancellation with performance headroom remaining for further audio post-processing. Target applications include automotive premium audio, consumer and pro-audio, and industrial systems that require high floating-point performance. With more than 2MBytes of on-chip memory, designers are able to realize higher DSP performance at lower power while reducing system complexity, time to market, board space and cost, says the company.