04-09-2017 | Mouser Electronics | Development Boards
Mouser is now stocking the MachXO3-9400 development board from Lattice Semiconductor. The board features an onboard programmable logic device and hardware management expander to help engineers prototype designs for the server, communications, industrial, and display markets. The board allows designers to investigate and experiment with the features of the CPLD and the L-ASC1 hardware management expander. The onboard device offers expanded input/output (I/O) and logic support for control PLD applications, while increased on-chip memory improves picture clarity for low-cost video bridging in large monitor applications. The device features 9400 LUTs for low-cost programmable logic and 432kbits of embedded block RAM. The device also offers distributed RAM, PLLs, advanced configuration support, and support user flash memory. These features allow designers to use the device in low-cost, high-volume consumer and system applications.
Lattice LCMXO3LF-9400C-ASC-B-EVN