IoT WiFi development board ideal for IoT applications

14-05-2019 | RS Components | Design & Manufacture

The Microchip PIC-IoT WG Development Board combines a powerful PIC24FJ128GA705 MCU, an ATECC608A CryptoAuthentication secure element IC and ATWINC1510 Wi-Fi network controller to offer the most simple and effective way to connect an embedded application to the Google Cloud IoT Core. This development board is available now from RS Components.

The development board also incorporates an on-board debugger and needs no external hardware to program and debug the MCU. Out of the box, the MCU arrives preloaded with firmware that allows the user to swiftly connect and send data to the Google Cloud Platform using the onboard temperature and light sensors. Once the user is ready to build their own custom design, they can simply generate code using the free software libraries in MPLAB Code Configurator. The PIC-IoT WG Board is supported by MPLAB X IDE.

By Natasha Shek