23-10-2019 | Texas Instruments | Design & Manufacture
Texas Instruments TAS5825MEVM-SB Amplifier Evaluation Board is for the evaluation of the TAS2858M digital stereo amplifier. The board includes the TAS5825M digital stereo amplifier for left and right channel audio and the TAS5720M digital mono amplifier for the sub-woofer channel. The design runs from a single audio source interface and is scalable to 5.1, 7.1 and 9.1 channel configurations, which makes it excellent for soundbar applications.
The device features PVDD tracking and thermal fold-back protection, with Smart Amp technology. The device is a modular, scalable multi-channel solution based on digital audio TDM digital audio TDM and integrates self-protection (OCE, CB3C, OTW, OTE, UVLO, OVLO). The integrated audio DSP has enhanced 96kHz processing supporting several advanced audio process flows. The board operates in TDM mode (as well as I2S) for speaker scalability.
Typical fields are soundbars, smart speakers, TVs, Notebook/PC speakers, wireless speakers, and smart displays.