20-01-2020 | Analog Devices | Semiconductors
Analog Devices AD5674 and AD5674R 12-Bit, 16-Channel nanoDAC+ are low power buffered voltage-output digital-to-analog converters. The AD5674R version comprises a 2.5V, 2ppm/C internal reference, which is enabled by default. The AD5674 needs an external reference. The DACs provide a 50MHz SPI with readback or daisy chain. Both devices run from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply range and are guaranteed monotonic by design.
The DACs include a POR circuit that assures that the device outputs power up to and remains at zero-scale or midscale until a valid write. These devices also provide a power-down mode that decreases the current consumption to 2μA.
These devices are provided in a compact 28-lead LFCSP and are RoHS compliant.
Typical applications include optical transceivers, base station power amplifiers, industrial automation, data acquisition systems, and process control.