24-01-2020 | Analog Devices | Semiconductors
Analog Devices ADE1201 Isolated Digital Input is a single channel, configurable, isolated digital input monitoring solution for energy transmission and distribution applications. The device is configured through the SPI to achieve an isolated measurement of the digital input that is also named binary input or contact input. The digital output signal on the DOUT1 pin reflects the state of the input signal after user-configurable signal conditioning. The SPI protocol supports addressing to enable up to eight devices sharing one four-wire SPI port.
The device application circuit takes a broad range of input voltages from ±10VDC to ±300VDC or 8Vrms to 240Vrms. The programmable wetting current and robust application circuit enable the device to meet stringent, system-level EMC demands. The device incorporates an isoPower integrated, isolated dc-to-dc converter that removes the requirement for an external isolated power supply. The iCoupler chip scale transformer technology is employed to isolate the logic signals between the high voltage, isolated side and the low voltage, non-isolated side of the digital input monitor. This technology produces a small form factor design that incorporates data and power isolation.
An integrated SAR ADC and a PGA from 1x to 10x measure the analog inputs. The ADC waveforms are available through the SPI port to allow system-level diagnostics.