28-02-2020 | Texas Instruments | Design & Manufacture
Texas Instruments BOOST-TUSS44x0 Sensor Evaluation Module (EVM) comes fully assembled and designed for the combined evaluation of the TUSS44x0 ultrasonic-sensor signal conditioner IC and ultrasonic transducer. The client needs to order an MSP-EXP430F5529LP LaunchPad Development Kit separately. The MSP-EXP430F5529LP is utilised as the USB-to-PC GUI communication bridge as an example of how to manage a master MCU to communicate with and control the EVM through SPI and GPIO interfaces.
The EVM needs an external master controller to evaluate the device as the TUSS44x0 is exclusively a slave device. The kit is controlled by commands received from the EVM GUI and returns data to the GUI for display and additional analysis. If the dev kit is not employed, the BoosterPack Plug-in Module format of the evaluation module enables alternative external master communication to the device.
The EVM is compatible with ultrasonic transducers operating at frequencies between 30 to 1000kHz. The EVM can generate maximum sound pressure level using a transformer driver and is compatible with microcontrollers operating at 3.3V or 5V for SPI communication.
The fully tested evaluation module includes GUI, quick start demo procedure, USB interface and firmware, and detailed user's guide.