Demo circuit evaluates high-voltage side high-current and voltage sense

08-04-2020 | Analog Devices | Design & Manufacture

Linear Technology/Analog Devices DC2839A Demo Circuit for the LTC6115 is created to evaluate the device high-voltage side high-current and voltage sense.

This demo circuit can measure inputs up to 100V and 2A. The demo circuit can be connected to Linduino as a shield and has an accompanying Linduino sketch. The voltage sense input supply can be either an external 2.7V to 5.5V power source or drawn from a Linduino (DC2026C) board when the demo circuit is employed as a Linduino shield.

This demo circuit features a four-terminal 50mOhm sense resistor with a footprint for larger and higher-power rated parts. A 1:1000 resistor divider can be chosen with jumpers to give simulated mV-scale input difference voltages if high-currents are not available. The LTC6115 voltage and current sense can be configured to measure the same input or separate inputs.

By Natasha Shek