20-04-2020 | Analog Devices | Semiconductors
Analog Devices ADSP-21566/21567/21569 SHARC+ Single-Core High-Performance DSPs are based on the SHARC+ single core which is a member of the SIMD SHARC family of digital signal processors (DSPs) that feature ADI's Super Harvard Architecture. These 32-bit/40-bit/64-bit floating-point processors are optimised for high-performance, audio/floating-point applications with a large on-chip SRAM, multiple internal buses that remove input/output (I/O) bottlenecks, and innovative DAI.
Additional SHARC+ core features include cache enhancements and branch prediction while maintaining instruction set compatibility to previous SHARC products. The SHARC+ ADSP-2156x Processors integrate a rich set of industry-leading system peripherals and memory. These features make the ADSP-2156x ideal for applications that require programmability similar to reduced instruction set computing (RISC), multimedia support, and leading-edge signal processing, while in one integrated package.
These applications span an extensive array of markets, including automotive, professional audio, and industrial-based applications that require high floating-point performance, including for automotive applications audio amplifier, head unit, ANC/RNC, rear-seat entertainment, digital cockpit, and ADAS; and for consumer applications speakers, sound bars, AVRs, conferencing systems, mixing consoles, microphone arrays, and headphones.