Tackling high-speed digital challenges

28-08-2024 | Anritsu | Test & Measurement

Anritsu Corporation will use the upcoming ECOC 2024 to demonstrate solutions to the challenges arising from the rapid growth in global data traffic. Driven by the increased uptake of AI, high-definition video streaming, and autonomous driving, an exponential growth in data requirements has accelerated the evolution of high-speed digital interfaces like PCIe, USB, and DDR. The surge in AI services has also increased the demand for faster optical transceivers for server-to-server communications in data centres and Beyond 5G/6G networks. Innovative technologies such as photonics-electronics convergence, which incorporates optical communications within semiconductor chips, are being developed to meet the need for low latency and low power consumption.

The company's MP1900A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA) and MP2110A BertWave Sampling Scope optimise signal integrity and optics transmission for today's new high-speed transceivers and optical devices. The MP1900A supports Ethernet, PCIe, USB, and DDR5 testing, while the compact MP2110A BertWave combines BERT and scope functions to analyse up to four simultaneous waveforms for 58GBaud NRZ/PAM4 signals.

The company's 110GHz Optoelectronic Network Analyser ME7848A offers unmatched flexibility and upgradeability with two or four ports and a frequency range up to 220GHz, using patented NLTL technology for ultra-stable, accurate measurements. It includes a high-performance vector network analyser, a NIST-traceable calibrated photodetector, and a fully automated electro-optical modulator, all up to 110GHz, covering wavelengths of 850nm, 1060nm, 1310nm, and 1550nm. It measures bandwidth, group delay, and return loss and is ideal for characterising high-bandwidth optoelectronic devices like EMLs, VSCELs, TOSA, ROSA, and PICs.

Network Master Pro MT1040A 400G supports the latest 400G coherent transceivers, including OIF 400ZR and OpenZR+. It features ZR+ Multi-Client, smart cooling technology, multichannel testing from 10Mb to 400Gb, advanced graphical FEC analysis, and long-term results storage. This makes it ideal for operators, carriers, data centres, and I&M companies to deploy and maintain coherent networks. The device is also used in labs for new network equipment and network simulation validation.

Ensuring reliability and low latency is essential for deploying URLLC (Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications), which supports new industry verticals like autonomous driving. Network performance verification requires deploying test tools across physical and virtual networks while generating real data traffic flows. Key communication services needing URLLC include Mobile Edge Communications, Automotive Geolocation Services, Self-Driven Vehicles, Time-Critical Emergency Services, and AI Content Delivery.

The compact, high-performance MT1000A Network Master Pro tests network performance in the field, while virtualised measurement functions on the MEC server provide precise network quality statistics. Mapping the measurement data allows easy visualisation of network quality at various locations.

Affordable, easy multi-fibre OTDR testing with remote accessibility is crucial for today's rapidly expanding optical networks. The company's MT9085 Access Master OTDR, now supported by CloudOTDR, simplifies installation and maintenance, making them fast, reliable, and convenient.

By placing CloudOTDR centrally within the fibre network, personnel working remotely can access it from any location, eliminating the need to wait for a colleague to gain physical access at a central street cabinet. The MT9085, housed in a case and connected to the cloud server via its embedded PC, connects all fibre-reached houses to the point of Presence. Field engineers can visit the home side of the connection, select the correct launch fibre, and start measurements via the cloud. The resulting trace can be validated on a tablet or smartphone, enabling the engineer to move to the next house and repeat the process quickly.

ECOC 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany, September 23-25.


By Seb Springall

Seb Springall is a seasoned editor at Electropages, specialising in the product news sections. With a keen eye for the latest advancements in the tech industry, Seb curates and oversees content that highlights cutting-edge technologies and market trends.