Develop Bluetooth Low Energy applications using PSoC 4 and PRoC devices
21-01-2015 |
Farnell element14
Design & Manufacture
Farnell element14 now stocks the Cypress CY8CKIT-042-BLE Pioneer kit which
enables users to evaluate and develop Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
applications using the PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE devices.
The kit supports system-level designs using PSoC Creator. This includes the
Bluetooth Low Energy v4.1 specification and several example projects to
enable drag-and-drop BLE mixed signal embedded designs.
Also included is a CY5670 - CySmart USB Dongle (BLE dongle) that pairs with
the CySmart master emulation tool, converting a Windows PC into a powerful
Bluetooth LE debug environment.