Triple-axis gyroscope for high-speed motion and wearable applications
04-02-2015 |
Design & Manufacture
InvenSense's ITG-3701 triple-axis gyroscope is now available from Digi-Key.
Today’s wearable sports applications require higher than the common ±2000dps
(degrees per second) FSR so that critical data is not lost at the point of
impact. In response, InvenSense developed the ±4000dps ITG-3701 range which
enables precise analysis of say a golf or tennis racquet swing, and soccer
ball and basketball applications providing continuous data before, during,
and after impact.
The InvenSense ITG-3701 directly addresses the wearable sports market
technology requirements with lowest-power consumption of only 5.9mW (3.3mA
at 1.8V), extending battery life and an industry first 0.75mm height, says
the company.