Fast prototyping low-cost evaluation platform for Atmel Cortex-A5-based MPU
02-02-2015 |
Farnell element14
Design & Manufacture
Available now from Farnell element14 - the SAMA5D4 Xplained Ultra is a fast
prototyping and low-cost evaluation platform for Atmel's SAMA5D4
Cortex-A5-based microprocessor (MPU) design.
It comes with ready-to-use connectivity, an LCD and HDMI interface, an
embedded debug interface unit, storage peripherals and expansion headers for
easy customisation.
Advanced Security Features prevent cloning of your application and secure
your communications and data storage. The SAMA5D4 also integrates a 720p
30fps hardware video decoder for accelerated video playback using low power.
Expansion headers for devices such as Arduino Shields and Xplained Wings
enable easy customization, while the Atmel | SMART ARM Cortex-A5-based MPUs
provide a balance of capabilities with a rich set of devices to meet
industrial design needs.
The SAMA5D4 offers seamless technology for Internet of Things (IoT),
consumer and industrial applications, including control panels,
communication gateways, imaging terminals etc.
Users can employ the USB device connector to power the board as well as to
program and debug it. The SAMA5D4 Xplained Ultra also embeds a unique MAC
address and serial number to ease the connection to an Ethernet network.