Six-axis e-compass targets portables and health and fitness products
19-02-2015 |
Mouser Electronics
Design & Manufacture
Aimed at applications such as smartphones, tablets and health and fitness
products, Kionix's KMX61 6-axis e-compass is now available from Mouser
stock. The device features auto-calibration software and delivers high
sensitivity (0.05 µT/count) with stability over temperature (±0.05%/C).
The accelerometer / magnetometer e-compass solution features ultra-low power
(1µA-450µA depending on use) and a user-selectable ±2g, 4g, 8g full-scale
accelerometer range. Also available, the Rohm SENSEKIT1-EVK-101 is a sensor
evaluation board / kit for sensor ICs including the KMX61.